Making COP26 Work: What It Means For All of Us

The COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow is, of necessity, concerned with broad, global challenges. Even so, there are some very specific goals that have been set.

There are ambitions to accelerate the phase-out of coal, curtail deforestation, speed up the switch to electric vehicles, and encourage investment in renewables. There are also plans to raise at least $100 billion in climate finance each year and unleash trillions of dollars more, from a mix of both private and public sector finance.



These are laudable aims which set the broad direction of travel for economies around the world. While Governments undoubtedly have a major role to play, a lot of the momentum behind the necessary changes on the ground is being generated by visionary companies and individuals who are developing era-changing products, services, and technologies.

And there are lots of them. Energy Launchpad – which Sims Creative helped ES Catapult to develop as a portal focused exclusively on SMEs actively working on capturing the opportunities of clean growth in energy systems – attracted over 330 businesses and organisations to its online community in its first months of operation.



No matter how brilliant the development or application of innovative technologies may be, the core idea behind it still needs to be communicated effectively. A clear brand purpose, a communications strategy, a creative marketing plan…all of these are important if your amazing idea is going to attract the finance and/or customers you need.

As a creative design, branding and communications business that specialises in the energy sector, Sims Creative already works with a huge range of different energy companies – from start ups to established players.

Between us, we’re the people who will – ultimately – turn the fine goals of COP26 into meaningful action on the ground. At Sims Creative, we play our part by making complex messages easier to understand, by helping clients to define a solid and crystal-clear brand purpose, by fine tuning messages that are targeted at different audiences, and by acting as an impartial, expert adviser on communications strategies.

It’s great to have good ideas about solving climate change, but you still need to sell the ideas and the services/products to people who need them. That’s where we come into our own.